6-Minute "Tracking": Restoring Proper Alignment
This quick LT Technique Pilates Tip is dedicated to form and alignment of the lower extremities! One of the most important things about body mechanics and posture is alignment. Alignment refers to our "kinetic chain" or how the head, shoulders, spine, hips, knees and ankles relate and line up with each other. Proper alignment of the body puts less stress on the spine and helps you have good posture. Extra benefit! You'll improve circulation & lymphatic drainage by elevating the legs! For this video, we will focus on alignment and form of the lower half. Find a spot near a sturdy wall restore awareness to the stacking of key kinetic points to ultimately relieve tension and stress and instill proper, sustainable movement practices. Welcome your weight by letting the heaviness of the legs surrender to gravity's force, and use visual cues to be sure that knees glide in line with the hips, maintaining ankles over the knees. Then, try closing your eyes and listening to the body, committing proper alignment into the memory of the body. Employ the connection to the wall to hone proper mechanics, using the tactile information provided by this sensory connection to build muscle memory for correct execution every time!
It's functional fitness. Knowing how to move, sit, and stand properly can help you stay active, prevent compensation that often leads to joint aches and muscle pain (even broken or rendered bones), improves posture, decreases stress + tension, AND IT FEELS GOOD. 😊