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Reward of habit

When people share that they seek movement but lack the commitment, I am delicate, but skeptical.

Small changes that at first seem insignificant can compound remarkable results ...and I’m not just talking the superficial.

There is this lie that keeps spreading, simple but lethal: that improving the way you look will improve the way you feel. That the path to confidence and love is paved by a diminished waistline.

And although I acknowledge the reason behind this sentiment, I call bullsh*t.

I have been a mover my entire life. Thankful for an ever-changing dance career that not only brought me an appreciation for my body, but also, closer to my internal state — my emotions, feelings, curiosities, thoughts, and expression.

But it wasn’t until I started diving deeper that I finally felt safe, free, and whole. A revelation born of inquiry, research, and plain old gratitude that has since kept me craving.

Crazy that physical therapy in relearning how to walk, an all-consuming fear that I might have lost the one thing, the one instrument I had spent my whole life building and fine tuning, was the blow it took for me to finally understand the value, the importance, the gift of movement.

I hope that with LTMovement, movement can become a lifestyle. An approach to the extraordinary Pilates method that inspires the best version of yourself.

A rediscovery and way of being derived from a place of compassion.

A vehicle to leave behind shame to permit confidence, love, care.

A reintroduction to the body that yields a deeper connection to self.

A harmonizing of the body, mind, and spirit.

A realization that the glorious body you inhabit is yours. And yours alone.

Skin, a place where the world ends and you begin. Muscles, ligaments, tissues, bones, all gifts, simple yet utterly complex beauty that makes up Home.

I am guilty. Guilty of insecurities, of feeling “not good enough”, of being my own obstacle. And that’s okay, too. At the end of the day, we are all human.

But after my surgery, I made a commitment. Don’t let ME be the one to stand in my own freakin way.

It’s a process (isn’t everything?), and trust me, not always easy. I cave. I fall. But I’m humbled by a support system that continues to whisper one straightforward question:

Why turn away from a small change that can transcend big impact?